Sunday, August 24, 2008

IT DOSEN'T MATTER...........

It dosen't matter what we have, we will still be longing for something else in life all the time. We will always live the life as that of a perpetual beggar. And it also doesn't matter what we attain in life, we will always remain in the same condition as that of a beggar asking for more. It is always so.

This will go on even till the day we reach our deathbed. This process just goes on. People are going on thinking that life is going to settle tomorrow. It doesn't matter what you do. Even for Alexander the Great, conquering half the world, life did not settle. Yes? Alexander, I dont know why we call him Great, probably we forgot his third name! Alexander the Great Idiot, we forgot that. Why I am saying this is, what did Alexander do in his life? At the age of sixteen he started fighting, went about killing people, unknown people, people who did not know who he is. What is his purpose in life? He went and slaughtered thousands and thousands of people. Sixteen years of non-stop fighting he did! At the age of thirty-two he died a miserable death. He was so miserable because the other half of the world was yet to be conquered.

Lets take an example, suppose let us say that this microphone is your property. Between me and you some dispute arose now about this property. Five minutes if we quarrel, if you have little sense, you will feel 'let this property go. Let me be free from this nonsense first'. If you have got some sense! Sixteen years if a man has to go on fighting non-stop for something which is not even his, he must be absolutely insane. But it is this kind of people that we have made "Great". We read and we are asking our younger coming generation to read that this man is Great. Tell me rather think, what is his contribution to human life? But unfortunately all our focus is in this way because this man had the mas ambition of conquering this world. And somewhere, everybody is an Alexander the Great, but not potent enough. We might rather dont have the same level of potency. We are impotent Alexanders.

But everybody is an Alexander, wanting to conquer something all the time. As long as this is our consciousness, as long as this is the basis of the action that we perform in the world, this world cannot be beautiful. If Alexanders exist here, if our only intention is to conquer everybody some way, conflict is the way. This world is always going to be in conflict. Pain and suffering will be the way of the world.

PS: Your Opinions are deeply and heartly invited.

Thursday, August 21, 2008


After my first two posts about Solitude and Loneliness, I thought I should take a different path and scribe about something more common to us, and yes its about Relationships. Wonder how many people reside in the world? There is no particular answer to this question but one can simple grade them into different classes as those of different colors, different castes, different types; but like me still one cannot zero in on one thing. But, Where ever there are people, there is one more thing. No! No! I am not talking about crowds, I am talking about Relationships. There are infinite number of Relationships of which some of them are: Mother-Father, Brother-Sister, Husband-Wife. Or such relationships which has no name. And yet, when these relationships have no word to define them, they exist. There's always a time when we think, How are these relationships made? What connects people in this world? What is it that bonds us to each other? The answer is not hidden in any of the two most common words: Love and Hate. But the answer is hidden in "Sentiment!" Yes it is sentiment that keeps us linked together. Till this emotion is alive, our relationship is alive. Our love is alive. Our hate is alive. No one can teach us this emotion, Except Life.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Is Solitude a Blessed State ?

After my first post in which I tried to differentiate between Solitude and Loneliness, I thought I should write more about it so that we can have a more sound knowledge between the so called Twins.

Many of us complain of loneliness, when we should cherish of being alone. Are we not born alone, live our unique experiences, and finally die alone? Loneliness does not necessarily arise out of isolation from others. We can be lonely even in a crowd (I guess many of you would agree with me on this part, though not completely). On the contrary, it is when we are isolated from ourselves, when we lose contact with the quiet voice of our inner self that loneliness makes its presence felt.

As slaves of the mind, we look at all our unfulfilled longings, expectations, desires (....endless list goes on) through a magnifying glass and make ourselves miserable. We are totally consumed by the external reality and lose all touch with our deeper self. The more we look for external supports to pull us out of this misery, the deeper we get into it. In solitude, on the other hand, all external support is abandoned and we are alone, the mind is silent and uncluttered, we live from within, open and facing ourselves.

The feeling of loneliness prevents us from living in the present moment; it crowds the mind with memories of the past and anxieties about the future. It is in solitude that we are able to relax into the present moment and live in the trust that, at the appropriate moment, all the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle will fall in place.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Solitude or Loneliness

Let me try to distinguish between solitude and loneliness. Solitude is self-imposed, loneliness is thrust upon you. In solitude you commune with yourself. You meditate and for the time being cut yourself off from the world. In loneliness you are at war with yourself, realizing the futility of life and the absurdity of existence, or the inability to resolve the conflict between the real and the ideal, between what is and what ought to be, between the temporal and the spiritual. To be alone is to me the worst kind of punishment that could ever be awarded for whatever sins I might have committed. I have my bitter moods and moments of unhappiness.

Thus, I think, “loneliness” and “solitude” are two names given to the same condition with a different frame of mind. No one can negate the fact of being alone ultimately. If we understand the mystery of life, we live in solitude and in the absence of this understanding, it is loneliness.